Map shows parcels in Orland, Bremen, Thornton, Rich, and Bloom Townships, including owner and number of acres. Inset shows detailed plat of Homewood, Illinois.
Paperwork describing the historical district street signage project, done for Tinley Park's Centennial celebration. Includes listing of streets and their historical names.
Records of land purchased in Bremen Township from 1835-1855 include: the Purchaser; the Description and Section; the number of acres; the price paid; the purchase date; the receipt number; the date of patent(s); and in what volume and on what page it was recorded.
Transcriptions of handwritten records in bound book of including Record of Pastors from 1862-[1902], Record of Official Members (1861-?), Record of Probationers (1870-1897), Record of Marriages (1880-1904), Record of Baptisms (1879-1904), 6 burial permits (loose pages -- 1902), and Index (of the German Methodist Church).